
Sponsor Spotlight

Hello ya'll!  I hope everyone is having a lovely day. 
I wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on Rachel at Lists From the Heart!
Be sure to check out Rachel's blog and follow her daily posts!

Hello lovely readers!!
My name is Rachel! I am a 20-something fur-momma to a cat and a bunny living outside of Boston but going to school for graphic design in New Hampshire. I paint my nails on a weekly basis, sing way to loudly, watch too much tv and talk to myself (then yell at myself for talking to myself in the first place). I hate cliches like "living life to the fullest" but can never find a good substitute, so I use them anyways. I am compulsive list maker, I even make lists of the lists I need to make; that is how Lists from the Heart was born. LFTH is a blog of… you guessed it…lists! Each day has a theme, subject, or specific link-up party that is presented in a list like format! I am a new-ish blogger and I can't wait to meet more wonderful people and find more fabulous blogs! So take a gander, leave a comment, follow me and link up!

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